Note : ⚠️ Slightly challenging / stylised post. Content has been written in an overly complicated manner 💭
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This week, some days I accomplished ~ and others, to a lesser extent. Although I did have some decent conversations (albeit just digitally, calls) where it was possible for me to express my current thoughts and my possible soon to be made decisions.
Feeling heard well, to some degree : I guess the opportunity for conversation is something, at the least.
I've started making a shift - a choice - to do and create things more in tune with my existence as opposed to only being merely a shadow in this world, ultimately doing the most to receive the least; from the people that couldn't really care if my name is Doohickey or Wuddamadud so long as the task gets done.
And it's unfortunate because one can enjoy what your work entails, but feel very let down and unappreciated by the ©️0RPO and their idea of fair compensation.
For decades I've had a creative mind, vivid dreams, charismatic story telling and a writing style as adventurous as my intrigue — perhaps not wasted, nor squandered wholly as I do believe we move through these motions to reach the level of understanding from within, when the timing is more appropriate for ourselves ~ perhaps I may have been too wild, immature; not yet knowledgeable in enough fields, not having made the connections and uncovering myself as I have over this past handful of years. I regret it not, as each day sure must have been a necessary brick laid in the path towards the lookout I'm venturing towards.
If i had to sum up all this text to a single sentence, for tonight I would say
“ I can faintly hear the waves awash in
the distance and I'm sure there's a whiff of it in the air, but the breeze is barely a-whisk yet, not quite catching my sails { though realisticly my little dinghy isn't even berthed, there is no sail and it's a vessel made of many small leftover scraps ~ no masterpiece or gauranteed by any means - but alas there is a sailor stirring for a jaunt.”
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Until our next message in a bottle, I bid you all a pleasant week ahead.
The ever wondrous,